Frank Roundy – Owner/CTO/CEO
Frank’s first composite job was working on the B1-B bomber, laying unidirectional tape into a compound contour mold for a wing fairing. He has worked on the F-14, F-15, C-17 military aircraft as well as many commercial programs for Boeing, McDonnell Douglas and Airbus. Frank was instrumental in developing a repair method for the Apache rotor blade that enabled the trim tabs to be re-bonded to the blade. In 1996 he left the aerospace market and joined StorageTek in their composite group where he was in charge of resin transfer molding manufacturing. At StorageTek he developed manufacturing cells for robotic tubes that saved the company several million dollars over the life of the project. In 2004 Frank hired on with S.A.Robotics to head up the composite group and helped introduce composite structures into the remote handling arena. When S.A.Robotics purchased the assets of CompositeTek, he was given the task of making it a viable business.
Frank loves nothing more than to spoil his 19 grandchildren (and counting).